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Slyfecta Trifecta Any%

by Slysonic
Personal Best




Sum of best


Possible timesave




almost 4 years

Time since upload
ah sh*t, here we go again + -Raleigh + -A Rocky Start + -I'm goin in slai + -Boneyard casino + -Doge + -The Dread Swamp Path + -The Lair of the Beast + -hoagiepops fish tier 1 subscription emoticon + -A Grave Undertaking + -Awrie chicken tier 1 subscription emoticon + -This boring + -Descent into Danger + -Dab dab dab + -A Perilous Ascent + -Awesome! + -The Unseen Foe + -coinless monkaS + -Spinning but not + -Carmelita + -A Desparate Race Skip + -Pandakoning + -A Hazardous Path + -TaymNeon slug tier 1 subscription emoticon + -just do the hack 4Head + -TaymNeon slug tier 1 subscription emoticon 2 + -Sinking Peril + {short game but hard}Feet together + commit good game + -Cairo + -commit france + -Satellite Sabotage + -Breaking and Entering + -Bug Dimitri's Office + -Follow Dimitri + -(T) Waterpump Destruction + -Silence the Alarms + -Moonlight Rendezvous + -Theater Pickpocketing + -Disco Demolition + -Operation: Thunder Beak + -commit india + -Recon the Ballroom + -Lower the Drawbridge + -Steal a Tuxedo + -(B400) Battle the Chopper + -Dominate the Dance Floor + -RC Bombing Run + -Elephant Rampage + -Boardroom Brawl + -Operation: Hippo Drop + -Start Episode 3 + -Spice Room Recon + -Freeing the Elephant + -Water Bug Run + -Leading Rajan + -Blow the Dam + -Spice Grinder Destruction + -Neyla's Secret + -Rip Off the Ruby + -Operation: Wet Tiger + -Start Episode 4 + -Eavesdrop on Contessa + -Train Hack + -Wall Bombing + -Lightning Action + -Code Capture + -Close to Contessa + -Big House Brawl + -Disguise Bridge + -Operation: Trojan Tank + -RIGHT THEN O + -Know Your Enemy + -Ghost Capture + -Kidnap the General + -Mojo Trap Action + -Tank Showdown + -(T+B600) Stealing Voices + -Crypt Hack + -Operation: High Road + -Start Episode 6 + -Cabin Crimes + -A Friend in Need + -Spice in the Sky + -Ride the Iron Horse + -Aerial Assault + -Bear Cub Kidnapping + -Theft on the Rails + -Operation: Choo-Choo + -(B600?) Start Episode 7 + -Recon the Sawmill + -Bearcave Bugging + -Laser Redirection + -RC Combat Club + -Old Grizzle Face + -Lighthouse Break In + -Thermal Ride + -Boat Hack + -Operation: Canada Games + -Start Episode 8 + -Blimp HQ Recon + -Bentley/Murray Team Up + -Murray/Sly Tag Team + -Sly/Bentley Conspire + -Charged TNT Run + -Mega-Jump Job + {Sly 2}Clock-La + Start Sly 3 + -Beginning of the End + -Hazard Room + -Start Episode 1 + -Police HQ + -Canal Chase + -Octavio Snap + -Into the Depths + -Tar Ball + -Turf War + -Guard Duty + -Run n' bomb + -Operation: Tar be Gone + -Start Episode 2 + -In search for the Guru + -Dark Caves + -Spelunking + -The Big Truck + -Unleash the Guru + -Hungry Croc + -(B) The Claw + -Lemon Rage + -Operation: Moon Crash + -Start Episode 3 + -Hidden Flight Roster + -Frame Team Iceland + -Cooper Hangar Defence + -Frame Team Belgium + -ACES Semi-Finals + -Beauty and the Beast + -Giant Wolf Massacre + -Windmill Firewall + -(B) Op: Turbo Dominant Eagle + -(C) Ep 4 Prelude + -Start Episode 4 + -Tearful Reunion + -Get a Job + -Grapple-Cam Break In + -Laptop Retrieval + -A Battery of Peril + -(C) Vampiric Demise + -Down the Line + -Op: Wedding Crasher + -(B) Start Episode 5 + -The Talk of Pirates + -Dynamic Duo + -Jollyboat of Destruction + -X Marks the Spot + -Battle on the High Seas + -(B?) Crusher from the Depths + -Deep Sea Danger + -(B?) Op: Reverse Double-Cross + -Start Episode 6 + -Carmelita to the Rescue + -A Deadly Bite + -The Dark Current + -Bumb-Charge-Jump + -Danger in the Skies + -The Ancestors' Gauntlet + -Stand Your Ground + {Sly 3}∠( `・ω・)/
In progress
∠( `・ω・)/
In progress
Stand Your Ground
In progress
The Ancestors' Gauntlet
In progress
Danger in the Skies
In progress
In progress
The Dark Current
In progress
A Deadly Bite
In progress
Carmelita to the Rescue
In progress
Start Episode 6
In progress
(B?) Op: Reverse Double-Cross
In progress
Deep Sea Danger
In progress
(B?) Crusher from the Depths
In progress
Battle on the High Seas
In progress
X Marks the Spot
In progress
Jollyboat of Destruction
In progress
Dynamic Duo
In progress
The Talk of Pirates
In progress
(B) Start Episode 5
In progress
Op: Wedding Crasher
In progress
Down the Line
In progress
(C) Vampiric Demise
In progress
A Battery of Peril
In progress
Laptop Retrieval
In progress
Grapple-Cam Break In
In progress
Get a Job
In progress
Tearful Reunion
In progress
Start Episode 4
In progress
(C) Ep 4 Prelude
In progress
(B) Op: Turbo Dominant Eagle
In progress
Windmill Firewall
In progress
Giant Wolf Massacre
In progress
Beauty and the Beast
In progress
ACES Semi-Finals
In progress
Frame Team Belgium
In progress
Cooper Hangar Defence
In progress
Frame Team Iceland
In progress
Hidden Flight Roster
In progress
Start Episode 3
In progress
Operation: Moon Crash
In progress
Lemon Rage
In progress
(B) The Claw
In progress
Hungry Croc
In progress
Unleash the Guru
In progress
The Big Truck
In progress
In progress
Dark Caves
In progress
In search for the Guru
In progress
Start Episode 2
In progress
Operation: Tar be Gone
In progress
Run n' bomb
In progress
Guard Duty
In progress
Turf War
In progress
Tar Ball
In progress
Into the Depths
In progress
Octavio Snap
In progress
Canal Chase
In progress
Police HQ
In progress
Start Episode 1
In progress
Hazard Room
In progress
Beginning of the End
In progress
Start Sly 3
In progress
In progress
Mega-Jump Job
In progress
Charged TNT Run
In progress
Sly/Bentley Conspire
In progress
Murray/Sly Tag Team
In progress
Bentley/Murray Team Up
In progress
Blimp HQ Recon
In progress
Start Episode 8
In progress
Operation: Canada Games
In progress
Boat Hack
In progress
Thermal Ride
In progress
Lighthouse Break In
In progress
Old Grizzle Face
In progress
RC Combat Club
In progress
Laser Redirection
In progress
Bearcave Bugging
In progress
Recon the Sawmill
In progress
(B600?) Start Episode 7
In progress
Operation: Choo-Choo
In progress
Theft on the Rails
In progress
Bear Cub Kidnapping
In progress
Aerial Assault
In progress
Ride the Iron Horse
In progress
Spice in the Sky
In progress
A Friend in Need
In progress
Cabin Crimes
In progress
Start Episode 6
In progress
Operation: High Road
In progress
Crypt Hack
In progress
(T+B600) Stealing Voices
In progress
Tank Showdown
In progress
Mojo Trap Action
In progress
Kidnap the General
In progress
Ghost Capture
In progress
Know Your Enemy
In progress
In progress
Operation: Trojan Tank
In progress
Disguise Bridge
In progress
Big House Brawl
In progress
Close to Contessa
In progress
Code Capture
In progress
Lightning Action
In progress
Wall Bombing
In progress
Train Hack
In progress
Eavesdrop on Contessa
In progress
Start Episode 4
In progress
Operation: Wet Tiger
In progress
Rip Off the Ruby
In progress
Neyla's Secret
In progress
Spice Grinder Destruction
In progress
Blow the Dam
In progress
Leading Rajan
In progress
Water Bug Run
In progress
Freeing the Elephant
In progress
Spice Room Recon
In progress
Start Episode 3
In progress
Operation: Hippo Drop
In progress
Boardroom Brawl
In progress
Elephant Rampage
In progress
RC Bombing Run
In progress
Dominate the Dance Floor
In progress
(B400) Battle the Chopper
In progress
Steal a Tuxedo
In progress
Lower the Drawbridge
In progress
Recon the Ballroom
In progress
commit india
In progress
Operation: Thunder Beak
In progress
Disco Demolition
In progress
Theater Pickpocketing
In progress
Moonlight Rendezvous
In progress
Silence the Alarms
In progress
(T) Waterpump Destruction
In progress
Follow Dimitri
In progress
Bug Dimitri's Office
In progress
Breaking and Entering
In progress
Satellite Sabotage
In progress
commit france
In progress
In progress
commit good game
In progress
Feet together
In progress
Sinking Peril
In progress
TaymNeon slug tier 1 subscription emoticon 2
In progress
just do the hack 4Head
In progress
TaymNeon slug tier 1 subscription emoticon
In progress
A Hazardous Path
In progress
In progress
A Desparate Race Skip
In progress
In progress
Spinning but not
In progress
coinless monkaS
In progress
The Unseen Foe
In progress
In progress
A Perilous Ascent
In progress
Dab dab dab
In progress
Descent into Danger
In progress
This boring
In progress
Awrie chicken tier 1 subscription emoticon
In progress
A Grave Undertaking
In progress
hoagiepops fish tier 1 subscription emoticon
In progress
The Lair of the Beast
In progress
The Dread Swamp Path
In progress
In progress
Boneyard casino
In progress
I'm goin in slai
In progress
A Rocky Start
In progress
In progress
ah sh*t, here we go again
In progress
#NameDurationFinished AtStats
short game but hard--
1ah sh*t, here we go again--
3A Rocky Start--
4I'm goin in slai--
5Boneyard casino--
7The Dread Swamp Path--
8The Lair of the Beast--
9hoagiepops fish tier 1 subscription emoticon--
10A Grave Undertaking--
11Awrie chicken tier 1 subscription emoticon--
12This boring--
13Descent into Danger--
14Dab dab dab--
15A Perilous Ascent--
17The Unseen Foe--
18coinless monkaS--
19Spinning but not--
21A Desparate Race Skip--
23A Hazardous Path--
24TaymNeon slug tier 1 subscription emoticon--
25just do the hack 4Head--
26TaymNeon slug tier 1 subscription emoticon 2--
27Sinking Peril--
28Feet together--
29commit good game--
Sly 2--
31commit france--
32Satellite Sabotage--
33Breaking and Entering--
34Bug Dimitri's Office--
35Follow Dimitri--
36(T) Waterpump Destruction--
37Silence the Alarms--
38Moonlight Rendezvous--
39Theater Pickpocketing--
40Disco Demolition--
41Operation: Thunder Beak--
42commit india--
43Recon the Ballroom--
44Lower the Drawbridge--
45Steal a Tuxedo--
46(B400) Battle the Chopper--
47Dominate the Dance Floor--
48RC Bombing Run--
49Elephant Rampage--
50Boardroom Brawl--
51Operation: Hippo Drop--
52Start Episode 3--
53Spice Room Recon--
54Freeing the Elephant--
55Water Bug Run--
56Leading Rajan--
57Blow the Dam--
58Spice Grinder Destruction--
59Neyla's Secret--
60Rip Off the Ruby--
61Operation: Wet Tiger--
62Start Episode 4--
63Eavesdrop on Contessa--
64Train Hack--
65Wall Bombing--
66Lightning Action--
67Code Capture--
68Close to Contessa--
69Big House Brawl--
70Disguise Bridge--
71Operation: Trojan Tank--
73Know Your Enemy--
74Ghost Capture--
75Kidnap the General--
76Mojo Trap Action--
77Tank Showdown--
78(T+B600) Stealing Voices--
79Crypt Hack--
80Operation: High Road--
81Start Episode 6--
82Cabin Crimes--
83A Friend in Need--
84Spice in the Sky--
85Ride the Iron Horse--
86Aerial Assault--
87Bear Cub Kidnapping--
88Theft on the Rails--
89Operation: Choo-Choo--
90(B600?) Start Episode 7--
91Recon the Sawmill--
92Bearcave Bugging--
93Laser Redirection--
94RC Combat Club--
95Old Grizzle Face--
96Lighthouse Break In--
97Thermal Ride--
98Boat Hack--
99Operation: Canada Games--
100Start Episode 8--
101Blimp HQ Recon--
102Bentley/Murray Team Up--
103Murray/Sly Tag Team--
104Sly/Bentley Conspire--
105Charged TNT Run--
106Mega-Jump Job--
108Start Sly 3--
Sly 3--
109Beginning of the End--
110Hazard Room--
111Start Episode 1--
112Police HQ--
113Canal Chase--
114Octavio Snap--
115Into the Depths--
116Tar Ball--
117Turf War--
118Guard Duty--
119Run n' bomb--
120Operation: Tar be Gone--
121Start Episode 2--
122In search for the Guru--
123Dark Caves--
125The Big Truck--
126Unleash the Guru--
127Hungry Croc--
128(B) The Claw--
129Lemon Rage--
130Operation: Moon Crash--
131Start Episode 3--
132Hidden Flight Roster--
133Frame Team Iceland--
134Cooper Hangar Defence--
135Frame Team Belgium--
136ACES Semi-Finals--
137Beauty and the Beast--
138Giant Wolf Massacre--
139Windmill Firewall--
140(B) Op: Turbo Dominant Eagle--
141(C) Ep 4 Prelude--
142Start Episode 4--
143Tearful Reunion--
144Get a Job--
145Grapple-Cam Break In--
146Laptop Retrieval--
147A Battery of Peril--
148(C) Vampiric Demise--
149Down the Line--
150Op: Wedding Crasher--
151(B) Start Episode 5--
152The Talk of Pirates--
153Dynamic Duo--
154Jollyboat of Destruction--
155X Marks the Spot--
156Battle on the High Seas--
157(B?) Crusher from the Depths--
158Deep Sea Danger--
159(B?) Op: Reverse Double-Cross--
160Start Episode 6--
161Carmelita to the Rescue--
162A Deadly Bite--
163The Dark Current--
165Danger in the Skies--
166The Ancestors' Gauntlet--
167Stand Your Ground--
168∠( `・ω・)/--