"> %>



LiveSplit → Splits.io

LiveSplit supports the generic Splits.io Exchange Format, so Splits.io can read files exported from LiveSplit in this format. These files have the extension .json.

Splits.io also has limited support for reading LiveSplit's proprietary format. These files use the extension .lss.


Splits.io → LiveSplit

LiveSplit supports the Splits.io Exchange Format, so it can read any run on Splits.io. Look for the "Splits.io Exchange Format" option when exporting a run from Splits.io.

Splits.io can also try to export runs in LiveSplit format. Look for the "LiveSplit" option when exporting a run from Splits.io.

Developer information

You can request runs from the API in LiveSplit format using this header:

Accept: application/livesplit

Runs returned in LiveSplit format include the header:

Content-Type: application/livesplit