Waiting for drop
0 uploaded and processing
0 failed to upload

This page will update automatically.

Segment history is not available for this run.

MGR Any% NG+

by ???




Sum of best


Possible timesave

Floating Speedrun Timer



over 3 years

Time since upload
R 00 + R 01 + R 02 + R 03 + R 04 + R 05 + R 06 + R 07
In progress
R 07
In progress
R 06
In progress
R 05
In progress
R 04
In progress
R 03
In progress
R 02
In progress
R 01
In progress
R 00
In progress
#NameDurationFinished AtStats
1R 00--
2R 01--
3R 02--
4R 03--
5R 04--
6R 05--
7R 06--
8R 07--