"> %>
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over 7 years
Time since upload
Spiral Mountain
00:00:58 duration
00:00:58 finished
316ms possible timesave
Mumbo's Mountain
00:05:49 duration
00:06:48 finished
956ms possible timesave
Treasure Trove Cove
00:08:13 duration
00:15:01 finished
30s possible timesave
Clanker's Cavern
00:09:02 duration
00:24:03 finished
6s possible timesave
Freezeezy Peak
00:06:41 duration
00:30:45 finished
New best!
Mad Monster Mansion
00:10:47 duration
00:41:32 finished
New best!
00:09:31 duration
00:51:03 finished
28s possible timesave
00:03:02 duration
00:54:06 finished
20s possible timesave
00:03:18 duration
00:57:25 finished
New best!
Spring 2
00:01:39 duration
00:59:04 finished
New best!
Rusty Bucket Bay
00:06:57 duration
01:06:02 finished
New best!
Gobi's Valley
00:05:06 duration
01:11:09 finished
New best!
Bubblegloop Swamp
00:04:22 duration
01:15:31 finished
New best!
Furnace No Fun
00:05:32 duration
01:21:04 finished
New best!
00:05:40 duration
01:26:44 finished
New best!
Klungo 1
00:02:04 duration
01:28:48 finished
9s possible timesave
Enter MT
00:04:31 duration
01:33:20 finished
2s possible timesave
Golden Goliath
00:03:33 duration
01:36:53 finished
713ms possible timesave
Mayahem Temple
00:04:36 duration
01:41:30 finished
New best!
Enter GGM
00:03:56 duration
01:45:27 finished
New best!
Glitter Gulch Mine
00:05:01 duration
01:50:28 finished
9s possible timesave
00:04:01 duration
01:54:30 finished
New best!
Enter JRL
00:04:06 duration
01:58:36 finished
New best!
Jolly Roger's Lagoon
00:02:31 duration
02:01:08 finished
6s possible timesave
00:05:39 duration
02:06:47 finished
20s possible timesave
Hag 1
00:06:56 duration
02:13:44 finished
New best!
Start DK
00:00:47 duration
02:14:31 finished
41s possible timesave
00:07:12 duration
02:21:44 finished
New best!
Forest Escape
00:05:07 duration
02:26:52 finished
49ms possible timesave
Key 3
00:07:25 duration
02:34:17 finished
2m possible timesave
Start K. Rool
00:01:45 duration
02:36:03 finished
810ms possible timesave
K. Rool
00:11:43 duration
02:47:46 finished
3s possible timesave
# | Name | Duration | Finished At | Stats |
1 | Spiral Mountain | 00:00:58 | 00:00:58 | |
2 | Mumbo's Mountain | 00:05:49 | 00:06:48 | |
3 | Treasure Trove Cove | 00:08:13 | 00:15:01 | |
4 | Clanker's Cavern | 00:09:02 | 00:24:03 | |
5 | Freezeezy Peak | 00:06:41 | 00:30:45 | |
6 | Mad Monster Mansion | 00:10:47 | 00:41:32 | |
| Click Clock Wood | 00:17:32 | 00:59:04 | |
7 | Spring | 00:09:31 | 00:51:03 | |
8 | Summer | 00:03:02 | 00:54:06 | |
9 | Autumn | 00:03:18 | 00:57:25 | |
10 | Spring 2 | 00:01:39 | 00:59:04 | |
11 | Rusty Bucket Bay | 00:06:57 | 01:06:02 | |
12 | Gobi's Valley | 00:05:06 | 01:11:09 | |
13 | Bubblegloop Swamp | 00:04:22 | 01:15:31 | |
14 | Furnace No Fun | 00:05:32 | 01:21:04 | |
15 | Gruntilda | 00:05:40 | 01:26:44 | |
16 | Klungo 1 | 00:02:04 | 01:28:48 | |
17 | Enter MT | 00:04:31 | 01:33:20 | |
18 | Golden Goliath | 00:03:33 | 01:36:53 | |
19 | Mayahem Temple | 00:04:36 | 01:41:30 | |
20 | Enter GGM | 00:03:56 | 01:45:27 | |
21 | Glitter Gulch Mine | 00:05:01 | 01:50:28 | |
22 | Witchyworld | 00:04:01 | 01:54:30 | |
23 | Enter JRL | 00:04:06 | 01:58:36 | |
24 | Jolly Roger's Lagoon | 00:02:31 | 02:01:08 | |
25 | Warp | 00:05:39 | 02:06:47 | |
26 | Hag 1 | 00:06:56 | 02:13:44 | |
27 | Start DK | 00:00:47 | 02:14:31 | |
28 | ISG | 00:07:12 | 02:21:44 | |
29 | Forest Escape | 00:05:07 | 02:26:52 | |
30 | Key 3 | 00:07:25 | 02:34:17 | |
31 | Start K. Rool | 00:01:45 | 02:36:03 | |
32 | K. Rool | 00:11:43 | 02:47:46 | |