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6 years

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Mission 1: Curse of the Bloody Puppets + Mission 2 - Judge of Death + Mission 3 - Destroyer of Ardor + Mission 4 - Black Knight + Mission 5 - Guiding of the Soul + Mission 6 - Evil of the Waterways + Mission 7 - Holding the Key of Ardor + Mission 8 - Return of the Legendary Dark Knight + Mission 9 - The New Strength + Mission 10 - Canyon of Mist + Mission 11 - Greenhouse Guardian + Mission 12 - Ghost Ship + Mission 13 - Abyss + Mission 14 - Dance of Darkness + Mission 15 - Wheel of Destiny + Mission 16 - Nightmare of Darkness + Mission 17 - Parted Memento + Mission 18 - The Philosophers' Stone + Mission 19 - Enter the Underworld + Mission 20 - Showdown with Nightmare + Mission 21 - Living Cave + Mission 22 - Legendary Battle! + Mission 23 - Mother's Guide + Score
In progress
In progress
Mission 23 - Mother's Guide
In progress
Mission 22 - Legendary Battle!
In progress
Mission 21 - Living Cave
In progress
Mission 20 - Showdown with Nightmare
In progress
Mission 19 - Enter the Underworld
In progress
Mission 18 - The Philosophers' Stone
In progress
Mission 17 - Parted Memento
In progress
Mission 16 - Nightmare of Darkness
In progress
Mission 15 - Wheel of Destiny
In progress
Mission 14 - Dance of Darkness
In progress
Mission 13 - Abyss
In progress
Mission 12 - Ghost Ship
In progress
Mission 11 - Greenhouse Guardian
In progress
Mission 10 - Canyon of Mist
In progress
Mission 9 - The New Strength
In progress
Mission 8 - Return of the Legendary Dark Knight
In progress
Mission 7 - Holding the Key of Ardor
In progress
Mission 6 - Evil of the Waterways
In progress
Mission 5 - Guiding of the Soul
In progress
Mission 4 - Black Knight
In progress
Mission 3 - Destroyer of Ardor
In progress
Mission 2 - Judge of Death
In progress
Mission 1: Curse of the Bloody Puppets
In progress
#NameDurationFinished AtStats
1Mission 1: Curse of the Bloody Puppets--
2Mission 2 - Judge of Death--
3Mission 3 - Destroyer of Ardor--
4Mission 4 - Black Knight--
5Mission 5 - Guiding of the Soul--
6Mission 6 - Evil of the Waterways--
7Mission 7 - Holding the Key of Ardor--
8Mission 8 - Return of the Legendary Dark Knight--
9Mission 9 - The New Strength--
10Mission 10 - Canyon of Mist--
11Mission 11 - Greenhouse Guardian--
12Mission 12 - Ghost Ship--
13Mission 13 - Abyss--
14Mission 14 - Dance of Darkness--
15Mission 15 - Wheel of Destiny--
16Mission 16 - Nightmare of Darkness--
17Mission 17 - Parted Memento--
18Mission 18 - The Philosophers' Stone--
19Mission 19 - Enter the Underworld--
20Mission 20 - Showdown with Nightmare--
21Mission 21 - Living Cave--
22Mission 22 - Legendary Battle!--
23Mission 23 - Mother's Guide--