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# | Name | Duration | Finished At | Stats |
1 | Law Phoenix | - | - | |
2 | One Man Team | - | - | |
3 | A Speedrun in a Speedrun?!?!?! | - | - | |
4 | 10 Battles to Die (Or is it 11?) | - | - | |
5 | Menuing in the... Menu? | - | - | |
6 | The Hell Begins, Swing your Naginta! (9th Kyu) | - | - | |
7 | Hey only 38 to go! (8th Kyu) | - | - | |
8 | Woah your knocking these out like no tomorrow, hopefully this run doesn't go into tomorrow (7th Kyu) | - | - | |
9 | 6 Squares left Right? (6th Kyu) | - | - | |
10 | We're a green belt now POGGERS (5th Kyu) | - | - | |
11 | Now our belt is Green and Blue... I call that... Grlue (4th kyu) | - | - | |
12 | I'm blue da ba de da bu da (3rd Kyu) | - | - | |
13 | I never wore belts, I just looked up belt colors online | - | - | |
14 | Bye Karate Dojo! I never was there! (1st Kyu) | - | - | |
15 | I'm dirty dan! (1st Dan) | - | - | |
16 | No I'm the dirtier dan! (2nd Dan) | - | - | |
17 | I'm the dirtiest dan! (3rd Dan) | - | - | |
18 | Dans are Overrated (Disiple) | - | - | |
19 | I'm mentoring my bad split nameds (Mentor) | - | - | |
20 | UnVuIGlzIG92ZXIgcmlnaHQ/IE9oIEkgaGF2ZSB0byBiZSBhIFRla2tlbiBMb3JkPyBPaCBva2F5LiBXaHkgbm90IExvcmRlPyBBbHNvIHdoYXQgZG9lcyBUZWtrZW4gbWVhbj8= (Master) | - | - | |
21 | P (Grand Master) | - | - | |
22 | Well, I mean it fits Paul (Brawler) | - | - | |
23 | V2hhdCBldmVuIGlzIGEgTWFydWRlcj8= (Marauder) | - | - | |
24 | Brawler sounds cooler )= < (Fighter) | - | - | |
25 | An IEEgWCBF would be perfect for this rank (Berserker) | - | - | |
26 | A sword would be nice (Warrior) | - | - | |
27 | Rm9yIHBlb3BsZSB3aG8gaGF2ZSBzZWVuIEF2ZW5nZXInczogSW5maW5pdHkgV2FyLCB3aGVyZSBhcmUgbXkgSW5maW5pdHkgU3RvbmVzPyE/PyE/IT8hPyEgPiA9KCA= (Avenger) | - | - | |
28 | Also why are my splits glitching out? (Duelist) | - | - | |
29 | You mean U3RldmUgRm94 (Pugilist) | - | - | |
30 | Hey we already got that Achievement Already, oh.... well thanks for that (Vanquisher) | - | - | |
31 | UUUUREAGHHHH (Destroyer) | - | - | |
32 | We will and divide and what was it again?..... Add? (Conqueror) | - | - | |
33 | Paul is not a Knight though (Savior) | - | - | |
34 | I'm a VHVydHdpZw== (Genbu) | - | - | |
35 | Split's keep Glitching o: I'm a White Raikou now (Byakko) | - | - | |
36 | Latias is fun (Seiryu) | - | - | |
37 | WHO'S BACK FLYER THAN HO-OH (Suzaku) | - | - | |
38 | Tornadus. Let's blow away the bad splits (Fujin) | - | - | |
39 | Thundurus. I know what's next POGGERS (Rajin | - | - | |
40 | You jebaited me, why Spiritomb (Yaksa) | - | - | |
41 | I couldn't find a good name for TWFqaW4= (Majin) | - | - | |
42 | I'm the center of attention... I mean a city (Toshin) | - | - | |
43 | Where is my throne and where is my lord (Emperor) | - | - | |
44 | There it is finally out of Uk5HIEhlbGw= (Tekken Lord) | - | - | |
45 | The Fingerpoke of Doom | - | - | |
46 | SUPER FIGHTING ROBOT MEGA- I mean... *Cough Cough* COMBOT | - | - | |
47 | Let's upgrade Combot like I need to upgrade my PC | - | - | |
48 | Put me in Coach | - | - |