"> %>
Help us out by taking the Splits.io survey! Help us out by taking the Splits.io survey! Optimal Gameplay
00:03:01 duration
00:03:01 finished
3s possible timesave
Reset Fields
00:01:01 duration
00:04:02 finished
2s possible timesave
00:00:35 duration
00:04:37 finished
New best!
00:00:58 duration
00:05:35 finished
3s possible timesave
Dumb Timeloss
00:01:36 duration
00:07:11 finished
7s possible timesave
Off Cycle
00:01:53 duration
00:09:04 finished
18s possible timesave
Bad Ledge Grabs
00:03:17 duration
00:12:21 finished
4s possible timesave
00:01:17 duration
00:13:38 finished
4s possible timesave
Eaten Jumps
00:00:51 duration
00:14:29 finished
1s possible timesave
The Glide
00:02:21 duration
00:16:50 finished
54s possible timesave
Miss the Stack
00:00:45 duration
00:17:35 finished
2s possible timesave
00:00:36 duration
00:18:11 finished
1s possible timesave
Trade 10 Socks
00:01:41 duration
00:19:52 finished
1s possible timesave
00:03:55 duration
00:23:47 finished
New best!
00:00:50 duration
00:24:37 finished
1s possible timesave
00:01:12 duration
00:25:49 finished
2s possible timesave
00:00:57 duration
00:26:46 finished
4s possible timesave
Slide Skip
00:00:38 duration
00:27:24 finished
New best!
00:00:25 duration
00:27:49 finished
New best!
Good Trick
00:00:50 duration
00:28:39 finished
1s possible timesave
Sandy Nut
00:00:57 duration
00:29:36 finished
New best!
Ledge Grab
00:01:06 duration
00:30:42 finished
1s possible timesave
00:01:29 duration
00:32:11 finished
3s possible timesave
Count to 5
00:00:57 duration
00:33:08 finished
1s possible timesave
I'm Bad
00:02:04 duration
00:35:12 finished
18s possible timesave
00:00:58 duration
00:36:10 finished
2s possible timesave
Don't Die
00:02:00 duration
00:38:10 finished
5s possible timesave
00:00:55 duration
00:39:05 finished
1s possible timesave
Platform Camping
00:01:43 duration
00:40:48 finished
New best!
00:01:34 duration
00:42:22 finished
2s possible timesave
00:01:37 duration
00:43:59 finished
11s possible timesave
Hands Hurt
00:01:32 duration
00:45:31 finished
New best!
00:00:59 duration
00:46:30 finished
2s possible timesave
Slow Cycle
00:01:14 duration
00:47:44 finished
5s possible timesave
00:01:50 duration
00:49:34 finished
11s possible timesave
00:00:35 duration
00:50:09 finished
5s possible timesave
Save Buffering
00:00:34 duration
00:50:43 finished
5s possible timesave
00:00:53 duration
00:51:36 finished
1s possible timesave
Larry Cycle
00:02:08 duration
00:53:44 finished
45s possible timesave
00:00:33 duration
00:54:17 finished
2s possible timesave
00:01:43 duration
00:56:00 finished
20s possible timesave
00:01:02 duration
00:57:02 finished
New best!
The King
00:01:16 duration
00:58:18 finished
3s possible timesave
Here We Are
00:01:41 duration
00:59:59 finished
12s possible timesave
Loading Screens
00:01:39 duration
01:01:38 finished
1s possible timesave
Squid's Dream
00:00:41 duration
01:02:19 finished
2s possible timesave
Pole Boost
00:01:58 duration
01:04:17 finished
4s possible timesave
00:00:57 duration
01:05:14 finished
1s possible timesave
00:01:21 duration
01:06:35 finished
1s possible timesave
The Dutch
00:00:38 duration
01:07:13 finished
New best!
And it's Sweee, Swee
00:01:13 duration
01:08:26 finished
10s possible timesave
Sweet Sweet Victory
00:01:01 duration
01:09:27 finished
7s possible timesave
# | Name | Duration | Finished At | Stats |
| Jellyfish FIelds 1 | 00:04:02 | 00:04:02 | |
1 | Optimal Gameplay | 00:03:01 | 00:03:01 | |
2 | Reset Fields | 00:01:01 | 00:04:02 | |
| Downtown 1 | 00:09:36 | 00:13:38 | |
3 | Pineapple | 00:00:35 | 00:04:37 | |
4 | Combos | 00:00:58 | 00:05:35 | |
5 | Dumb Timeloss | 00:01:36 | 00:07:11 | |
6 | Off Cycle | 00:01:53 | 00:09:04 | |
7 | Bad Ledge Grabs | 00:03:17 | 00:12:21 | |
8 | Quickscoped | 00:01:17 | 00:13:38 | |
| Goo Lagoon 1 | 00:06:14 | 00:19:52 | |
9 | Eaten Jumps | 00:00:51 | 00:14:29 | |
10 | The Glide | 00:02:21 | 00:16:50 | |
11 | Miss the Stack | 00:00:45 | 00:17:35 | |
12 | FlagChamp | 00:00:36 | 00:18:11 | |
13 | Trade 10 Socks | 00:01:41 | 00:19:52 | |
14 | Poseidome | 00:03:55 | 00:23:47 | |
| Bikini Bottom | 00:02:59 | 00:26:46 | |
15 | Destruction | 00:00:50 | 00:24:37 | |
16 | Storage | 00:01:12 | 00:25:49 | |
17 | RNGod | 00:00:57 | 00:26:46 | |
| Dream 1 | 00:02:50 | 00:29:36 | |
18 | Slide Skip | 00:00:38 | 00:27:24 | |
19 | Forbidden? | 00:00:25 | 00:27:49 | |
20 | Good Trick | 00:00:50 | 00:28:39 | |
21 | Sandy Nut | 00:00:57 | 00:29:36 | |
| Mermalair 1 | 00:05:36 | 00:35:12 | |
22 | Ledge Grab | 00:01:06 | 00:30:42 | |
23 | Malone | 00:01:29 | 00:32:11 | |
24 | Count to 5 | 00:00:57 | 00:33:08 | |
25 | I'm Bad | 00:02:04 | 00:35:12 | |
| Sand Mountain | 00:03:53 | 00:39:05 | |
26 | Sandman | 00:00:58 | 00:36:10 | |
27 | Don't Die | 00:02:00 | 00:38:10 | |
28 | Lodge | 00:00:55 | 00:39:05 | |
| Industrial Park | 00:04:54 | 00:43:59 | |
29 | Platform Camping | 00:01:43 | 00:40:48 | |
30 | Lasso | 00:01:34 | 00:42:22 | |
31 | Manips | 00:01:37 | 00:43:59 | |
| Rock Bottom | 00:05:35 | 00:49:34 | |
32 | Hands Hurt | 00:01:32 | 00:45:31 | |
33 | Sandy? | 00:00:59 | 00:46:30 | |
34 | Slow Cycle | 00:01:14 | 00:47:44 | |
35 | ToAD | 00:01:50 | 00:49:34 | |
| Backtracking | 00:04:43 | 00:54:17 | |
36 | Triggered | 00:00:35 | 00:50:09 | |
37 | Save Buffering | 00:00:34 | 00:50:43 | |
38 | TAKE MEM CARD OUT | 00:00:53 | 00:51:36 | |
39 | Larry Cycle | 00:02:08 | 00:53:44 | |
40 | Bubble | 00:00:33 | 00:54:17 | |
| Jellyfish Fields 2 | 00:04:01 | 00:58:18 | |
41 | RIGHT | 00:01:43 | 00:56:00 | |
42 | mangoL8R | 00:01:02 | 00:57:02 | |
43 | The King | 00:01:16 | 00:58:18 | |
| Kelp Forest | 00:03:20 | 01:01:38 | |
44 | Here We Are | 00:01:41 | 00:59:59 | |
45 | Loading Screens | 00:01:39 | 01:01:38 | |
46 | Squid's Dream | 00:00:41 | 01:02:19 | |
| Dutchmans | 00:04:54 | 01:07:13 | |
47 | Pole Boost | 00:01:58 | 01:04:17 | |
48 | Manual | 00:00:57 | 01:05:14 | |
49 | Cannons | 00:01:21 | 01:06:35 | |
50 | The Dutch | 00:00:38 | 01:07:13 | |
| Chum Bucket | 00:02:14 | 01:09:27 | |
51 | And it's Sweee, Swee | 00:01:13 | 01:08:26 | |
52 | Sweet Sweet Victory | 00:01:01 | 01:09:27 | |