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SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom 100%

by curtisjk_
Personal Best
Previous times01:27:0801:29:0201:30:33--01:30:48-----------01:34:1701:34:1701:35:1901:35:19-01:36:0501:38:4301:38:4301:40:20---01:44:13------01:38:2701:40:3501:47:15




Sum of best


Possible timesave




over 5 years

Time since upload
Jellyfish 1 + -Enter Treedome + -Treedome + {Bikini Bottom (6,1)} Roll Buck + -Super Bounce + -Oil Skip + -Sandy Nut + {Dream 1 (10,3)} Slide Socks + -House Socks + -ET Glide + {Goo Lagoon 1 (14,10)} Pier 1 + Poseidome (15,0) + -Start SBA + {Goo Lagoon 2 (19,2)} 47.7K + -Swingers Ahoy + {Dream 2 (21,3)} Bouncing Ball + -TV Sock + BOX + -Funnels + CPU + -Towers + {Mermalair 1 (35,6)} Security BOX + -Lodge 1 + -Guppy Mound + {Sand Mountain 1 (39,1)} Pat + KK Sock + -P1 + -P2 + {Industrial Park (41,1)} P3 + -Library + -TGB + Enable + -Downtown Streets + {Downtown 1 (43,5)} Sea Needle + -Fountain + Box + -Enter Caves + -Geode Clip + -Spelunking + -Drain the Lake + -Spork Socks + -King Jelly + {Jellyfish Fields 2 (50,18)} Rock Socks + -Slip Sliding Away + -Get to Museum + -Museum Socks + {Rock Bottom (58,27)} Lasers + Bungee + -Save the Children + -Over the Moat + -Sea Caves + {Goo Lagoon 3 (60,32)} Fast Wack + -South Door + -Enter Rooftops + -Rooftops + Disable + {Downtown 2 (66,38)} Lighthouse + -Lobby Sock + -Security Sock + -BRC + Sock + {Mermalair 2 (68,41)} Prawn + -Lodge 2 + -Slope 3 + {Sand Mountain 2 (74,47)} Sandmen + -Squid's Dream + {Dream 3 (76,49)} Krabs' Dream + -Kelp Woods + -Kelp Vines + -Kelp Caves + {Kelp Forest (84,56)} Kelp Swamps + -Graveyard Lake + -Shipwreck + -Robot's Ship + {Graveyard (92,60)} Dutchman Skip + -Robo Sponge + {Chum Bucket Lab} Brain
In progress
In progress
Robo Sponge
In progress
Dutchman Skip
In progress
Robot's Ship
In progress
In progress
Graveyard Lake
In progress
Kelp Swamps
In progress
Kelp Caves
In progress
Kelp Vines
In progress
Kelp Woods
In progress
Krabs' Dream
In progress
Squid's Dream
In progress
In progress
Slope 3
In progress
Lodge 2
In progress
In progress
BRC + Sock
In progress
Security Sock
In progress
Lobby Sock
In progress
In progress
Rooftops + Disable
In progress
Enter Rooftops
In progress
South Door
In progress
Fast Wack
In progress
Sea Caves
In progress
Over the Moat
In progress
Save the Children
In progress
Lasers + Bungee
In progress
Museum Socks
In progress
Get to Museum
In progress
Slip Sliding Away
In progress
Rock Socks
In progress
King Jelly
In progress
Spork Socks
In progress
Drain the Lake
In progress
In progress
Geode Clip
In progress
Enter Caves
In progress
Fountain + Box
In progress
Sea Needle
In progress
Downtown Streets
In progress
TGB + Enable
In progress
In progress
In progress
In progress
In progress
Pat + KK Sock
In progress
Guppy Mound
In progress
Lodge 1
In progress
Security BOX
In progress
In progress
Funnels + CPU
In progress
TV Sock + BOX
In progress
Bouncing Ball
In progress
Swingers Ahoy
In progress
In progress
Start SBA
In progress
Poseidome (15,0)
In progress
Pier 1
In progress
ET Glide
In progress
House Socks
In progress
Slide Socks
In progress
Sandy Nut
In progress
Oil Skip
In progress
Super Bounce
In progress
Roll Buck
In progress
In progress
Enter Treedome
In progress
Jellyfish 1 + -Enter Treedome + -Treedome + {Bikini Bottom (6,1)} Roll Buck + -Super Bounce + -Oil Skip + -Sandy Nut + {Dream 1 (10,3)} Slide Socks + -House Socks + -ET Glide + {Goo Lagoon 1 (14,10)} Pier 1 + Poseidome (15,0) + -Start SBA + {Goo Lagoon 2 (19,2)} 47.7K + -Swingers Ahoy + {Dream 2 (21,3)} Bouncing Ball + -TV Sock + BOX + -Funnels + CPU + -Towers + {Mermalair 1 (35,6)} Security BOX + -Lodge 1 + -Guppy Mound + {Sand Mountain 1 (39,1)} Pat + KK Sock + -P1 + -P2 + {Industrial Park (41,1)} P3 + -Library + -TGB + Enable + -Downtown Streets + {Downtown 1 (43,5)} Sea Needle + -Fountain + Box + -Enter Caves + -Geode Clip + -Spelunking + -Drain the Lake + -Spork Socks + -King Jelly + {Jellyfish Fields 2 (50,18)} Rock Socks + -Slip Sliding Away + -Get to Museum + -Museum Socks + {Rock Bottom (58,27)} Lasers + Bungee + -Save the Children + -Over the Moat + -Sea Caves + {Goo Lagoon 3 (60,32)} Fast Wack + -South Door + -Enter Rooftops + -Rooftops + Disable + {Downtown 2 (66,38)} Lighthouse + -Lobby Sock + -Security Sock + -BRC + Sock + {Mermalair 2 (68,41)} Prawn + -Lodge 2 + -Slope 3 + {Sand Mountain 2 (74,47)} Sandmen + -Squid's Dream + {Dream 3 (76,49)} Krabs' Dream + -Kelp Woods + -Kelp Vines + -Kelp Caves + {Kelp Forest (84,56)} Kelp Swamps + -Graveyard Lake + -Shipwreck + -Robot's Ship + {Graveyard (92,60)} Dutchman Skip + -Robo Sponge + {Chum Bucket Lab} Brain
In progress
#NameDurationFinished AtStats
1Jellyfish 1--
Bikini Bottom (6,1)--
2Enter Treedome--
4Roll Buck--
Dream 1 (10,3)--
5Super Bounce--
6Oil Skip--
7Sandy Nut--
8Slide Socks--
Goo Lagoon 1 (14,10)--
9House Socks--
10ET Glide--
11Pier 1--
12Poseidome (15,0)--
Goo Lagoon 2 (19,2)--
13Start SBA--
Dream 2 (21,3)--
15Swingers Ahoy--
16Bouncing Ball--
Mermalair 1 (35,6)--
17TV Sock + BOX--
18Funnels + CPU--
20Security BOX--
Sand Mountain 1 (39,1)--
21Lodge 1--
22Guppy Mound--
23Pat + KK Sock--
Industrial Park (41,1)--
Downtown 1 (43,5)--
28TGB + Enable--
29Downtown Streets--
30Sea Needle--
Jellyfish Fields 2 (50,18)--
31Fountain + Box--
32Enter Caves--
33Geode Clip--
35Drain the Lake--
36Spork Socks--
37King Jelly--
38Rock Socks--
Rock Bottom (58,27)--
39Slip Sliding Away--
40Get to Museum--
41Museum Socks--
42Lasers + Bungee--
Goo Lagoon 3 (60,32)--
43Save the Children--
44Over the Moat--
45Sea Caves--
46Fast Wack--
Downtown 2 (66,38)--
47South Door--
48Enter Rooftops--
49Rooftops + Disable--
Mermalair 2 (68,41)--
51Lobby Sock--
52Security Sock--
53BRC + Sock--
Sand Mountain 2 (74,47)--
55Lodge 2--
56Slope 3--
Dream 3 (76,49)--
58Squid's Dream--
59Krabs' Dream--
Kelp Forest (84,56)--
60Kelp Woods--
61Kelp Vines--
62Kelp Caves--
63Kelp Swamps--
Graveyard (92,60)--
64Graveyard Lake--
66Robot's Ship--
67Dutchman Skip--
Chum Bucket Lab--
68Robo Sponge--