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1-1 Enter the Market + 1-2 Dodge the Guards + 1-3 Clothesline Sliding + 1-4 Guy with Sword + 2-1 The Cave of Wonders + 2-2 Abu the Klepto + 4-1 Clouds, Cards, and Balloons + 4-2 Swing and Bounce + 4-3 Tongues and Blocks + 5-1 Sand Everywhere + 5-2 Safety Chicken Hype + 5-3 Leaving Abu Behind + 6-1 Jafar's Palace + 6-2 Iago is a Troll + 6-3 Jafar + Snake Jafar
In progress
Snake Jafar
In progress
6-3 Jafar
In progress
6-2 Iago is a Troll
In progress
6-1 Jafar's Palace
In progress
5-3 Leaving Abu Behind
In progress
5-2 Safety Chicken Hype
In progress
5-1 Sand Everywhere
In progress
4-3 Tongues and Blocks
In progress
4-2 Swing and Bounce
In progress
4-1 Clouds, Cards, and Balloons
In progress
2-2 Abu the Klepto
In progress
2-1 The Cave of Wonders
In progress
1-4 Guy with Sword
In progress
1-3 Clothesline Sliding
In progress
1-2 Dodge the Guards
In progress
1-1 Enter the Market
In progress
#NameDurationFinished AtStats
11-1 Enter the Market--
21-2 Dodge the Guards--
31-3 Clothesline Sliding--
41-4 Guy with Sword--
52-1 The Cave of Wonders--
62-2 Abu the Klepto--
74-1 Clouds, Cards, and Balloons--
84-2 Swing and Bounce--
94-3 Tongues and Blocks--
105-1 Sand Everywhere--
115-2 Safety Chicken Hype--
125-3 Leaving Abu Behind--
136-1 Jafar's Palace--
146-2 Iago is a Troll--
156-3 Jafar--
16Snake Jafar--