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Barbie: Explorer Any%

by bregermann
Personal Best




Sum of best


Possible timesave





Life playtime

over 4 years

Time since upload
Deepest Rain Forest + -Native Village + -The Lost City + {African Jungle} Python Alley + -Mountain Trail + -Mountain High + -Temple City + {Tibet} Yeti Pass + -The Desert + -Valley of the Kings + -The Great Pyramid + {Egypt} Croc River + -River Approach + -Garden Walls + -The Tower + {Babylon} Flytrap Run
In progress
Flytrap Run
In progress
The Tower
In progress
Garden Walls
In progress
River Approach
In progress
Croc River
In progress
The Great Pyramid
In progress
Valley of the Kings
In progress
The Desert
In progress
Yeti Pass
In progress
Temple City
In progress
Mountain High
In progress
Mountain Trail
In progress
Python Alley
In progress
The Lost City
In progress
Native Village
In progress
Deepest Rain Forest + -Native Village + -The Lost City + {African Jungle} Python Alley + -Mountain Trail + -Mountain High + -Temple City + {Tibet} Yeti Pass + -The Desert + -Valley of the Kings + -The Great Pyramid + {Egypt} Croc River + -River Approach + -Garden Walls + -The Tower + {Babylon} Flytrap Run
In progress
#NameDurationFinished AtStats
African Jungle--
1Deepest Rain Forest--
2Native Village--
3The Lost City--
4Python Alley--
5Mountain Trail--
6Mountain High--
7Temple City--
8Yeti Pass--
9The Desert--
10Valley of the Kings--
11The Great Pyramid--
12Croc River--
13River Approach--
14Garden Walls--
15The Tower--
16Flytrap Run--