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Pokemon Sword 100%

by RangerSquid Previous times-




Sum of best


Possible timesave





Life playtime

4 years

Time since upload
Hop 1 + -Hop 2 + {Beginning} + -Peony + -D Adventure 1-3 + -Suicune Battle + -Hop 3 + {Milo} + -Klara 1 + -Mustard 1 + -Klara 2 + -Klara 3 + {DLC Pt. 1} + -Nessa 1 + -Marnie 1 + {Kabu} + -Hop 5 + -Bea 1 + -Opal + -Hop 6 + -Gordie + -Hop 7 + -Piers + {Raihan 1} + -Hop 8 + -Oleana + -Raihan 2 + -Rose + -Eternatus Pt. 1 + -Eternatus Pt. 2 + {Any% Done} + -Sordward 1 + -Sordward & Shieldbert + -Bede 5 + -Sordward 3 + {Post Game%} + -Urshifu Obtained + -Mustard (Finale) + {IoA DLC Finished} + -Calyrex 1 + -Carrot Planted + -Calyrex 2 + -Registeel + -Regice + -Regirock + -Regidrago + -G Articuno + -G Moltres + -G Zapdos + {Crown Tundra Any% Done} + -100 Pokemon + -200 Pokemon + {All Obtainable Pt. 1} + -Route 2 + 3 + -Galar Mine, Route 4 + 5 + -Galar Mine 2, Motostoke Outskirts + Route 6 through Route 7 + {All Trainers Pt. 1} + -300 Pokemon + -400 Pokemon + -Breeding Complete + -450 Pokemon + -Diglett Hunting + -Captures Complete (468) + -Crown Tundra Dex + {All Obtainable Pt. 2} + -Routes 8-10 + -Static Trainers + -Honey (1 Mill Watts) + -Peony Rematch + -Gamefreak + Hop 10 + Marnie + {All Trainers 152) + -All TM's Bought + -All TR's Bought/Obtained + -Double Checked TR and TM List + {All TM's and TR's} + -Races 1-21 + {Rotom Rally 42 Races} + -All In Game Trades + -All Side Quests + {Check EVERYTHING} + -Bought all Curry Ingredients + -Curry Recipes 1-50 + -Curry Recipes 51-100 + -Curry Recipes 101-145 + {Curry Dex Complete} + -Extra Dens for Money/Buy Luxury Balls + -Wedgehurts, Motostoke + Uniforms + -Hammerlocke, Wyndon, + Circhester + {Flex on Mum AKA All Clothes} + -Steroids Time + -Double Battles Max Rank + -Single Battles Max Rank + -Restricted Sparring Types 1-6 + -Restricted Sparring Types 7-12 + -Restricted Sparring Types 13-18 + {Tower + Sparring} + Showcase Everything
In progress
Showcase Everything
In progress
{Tower + Sparring}
In progress
Restricted Sparring Types 13-18
In progress
Restricted Sparring Types 7-12
In progress
Restricted Sparring Types 1-6
In progress
Single Battles Max Rank
In progress
Double Battles Max Rank
In progress
Steroids Time
In progress
{Flex on Mum AKA All Clothes}
In progress
Hammerlocke, Wyndon, + Circhester
In progress
Wedgehurts, Motostoke + Uniforms
In progress
Extra Dens for Money/Buy Luxury Balls
In progress
{Curry Dex Complete}
In progress
Curry Recipes 101-145
In progress
Curry Recipes 51-100
In progress
Curry Recipes 1-50
In progress
Bought all Curry Ingredients
In progress
In progress
All Side Quests
In progress
All In Game Trades
In progress
{Rotom Rally 42 Races}
In progress
Races 1-21
In progress
{All TM's and TR's}
In progress
Double Checked TR and TM List
In progress
All TR's Bought/Obtained
In progress
All TM's Bought
In progress
{All Trainers 152)
In progress
Hop 10 + Marnie
In progress
In progress
Peony Rematch
In progress
Honey (1 Mill Watts)
In progress
Static Trainers
In progress
Routes 8-10
In progress
{All Obtainable Pt. 2}
In progress
Crown Tundra Dex
In progress
Captures Complete (468)
In progress
Diglett Hunting
In progress
450 Pokemon
In progress
Breeding Complete
In progress
400 Pokemon
In progress
300 Pokemon
In progress
{All Trainers Pt. 1}
In progress
Route 6 through Route 7
In progress
Galar Mine 2, Motostoke Outskirts
In progress
Galar Mine, Route 4 + 5
In progress
Route 2 + 3
In progress
{All Obtainable Pt. 1}
In progress
200 Pokemon
In progress
100 Pokemon
In progress
{Crown Tundra Any% Done}
In progress
G Zapdos
In progress
G Moltres
In progress
G Articuno
In progress
In progress
In progress
In progress
In progress
Calyrex 2
In progress
Carrot Planted
In progress
Calyrex 1
In progress
{IoA DLC Finished}
In progress
Mustard (Finale)
In progress
Urshifu Obtained
In progress
{Post Game%}
In progress
Sordward 3
In progress
Bede 5
In progress
Sordward & Shieldbert
In progress
Sordward 1
In progress
{Any% Done}
In progress
Eternatus Pt. 2
In progress
Eternatus Pt. 1
In progress
In progress
Raihan 2
In progress
In progress
Hop 8
In progress
{Raihan 1}
In progress
In progress
Hop 7
In progress
In progress
Hop 6
In progress
In progress
Bea 1
In progress
Hop 5
In progress
In progress
Marnie 1
In progress
Nessa 1
In progress
{DLC Pt. 1}
In progress
Klara 3
In progress
Klara 2
In progress
Mustard 1
In progress
Klara 1
In progress
In progress
Hop 3
In progress
Suicune Battle
In progress
D Adventure 1-3
In progress
In progress
In progress
Hop 2
In progress
Hop 1 + -Hop 2 + {Beginning} + -Peony + -D Adventure 1-3 + -Suicune Battle + -Hop 3 + {Milo} + -Klara 1 + -Mustard 1 + -Klara 2 + -Klara 3 + {DLC Pt. 1} + -Nessa 1 + -Marnie 1 + {Kabu} + -Hop 5 + -Bea 1 + -Opal + -Hop 6 + -Gordie + -Hop 7 + -Piers + {Raihan 1} + -Hop 8 + -Oleana + -Raihan 2 + -Rose + -Eternatus Pt. 1 + -Eternatus Pt. 2 + {Any% Done} + -Sordward 1 + -Sordward & Shieldbert + -Bede 5 + -Sordward 3 + {Post Game%} + -Urshifu Obtained + -Mustard (Finale) + {IoA DLC Finished} + -Calyrex 1 + -Carrot Planted + -Calyrex 2 + -Registeel + -Regice + -Regirock + -Regidrago + -G Articuno + -G Moltres + -G Zapdos + {Crown Tundra Any% Done} + -100 Pokemon + -200 Pokemon + {All Obtainable Pt. 1} + -Route 2 + 3 + -Galar Mine, Route 4 + 5 + -Galar Mine 2, Motostoke Outskirts + Route 6 through Route 7 + {All Trainers Pt. 1} + -300 Pokemon + -400 Pokemon + -Breeding Complete + -450 Pokemon + -Diglett Hunting + -Captures Complete (468) + -Crown Tundra Dex + {All Obtainable Pt. 2} + -Routes 8-10 + -Static Trainers + -Honey (1 Mill Watts) + -Peony Rematch + -Gamefreak + Hop 10 + Marnie + {All Trainers 152) + -All TM's Bought + -All TR's Bought/Obtained + -Double Checked TR and TM List + {All TM's and TR's} + -Races 1-21 + {Rotom Rally 42 Races} + -All In Game Trades + -All Side Quests + {Check EVERYTHING} + -Bought all Curry Ingredients + -Curry Recipes 1-50 + -Curry Recipes 51-100 + -Curry Recipes 101-145 + {Curry Dex Complete} + -Extra Dens for Money/Buy Luxury Balls + -Wedgehurts, Motostoke + Uniforms + -Hammerlocke, Wyndon, + Circhester + {Flex on Mum AKA All Clothes} + -Steroids Time + -Double Battles Max Rank + -Single Battles Max Rank + -Restricted Sparring Types 1-6 + -Restricted Sparring Types 7-12 + -Restricted Sparring Types 13-18 + {Tower + Sparring} + Showcase Everything
In progress
#NameDurationFinished AtStats
1Hop 1--
2Hop 2--
5D Adventure 1-3--
6Suicune Battle--
7Hop 3--
DLC Pt. 1--
9Klara 1--
10Mustard 1--
11Klara 2--
12Klara 3--
13{DLC Pt. 1}--
14Nessa 1--
15Marnie 1--
Raihan 1--
17Hop 5--
18Bea 1--
20Hop 6--
22Hop 7--
24{Raihan 1}--
Any% Done--
25Hop 8--
27Raihan 2--
29Eternatus Pt. 1--
30Eternatus Pt. 2--
31{Any% Done}--
Post Game%--
32Sordward 1--
33Sordward & Shieldbert--
34Bede 5--
35Sordward 3--
36{Post Game%}--
IoA DLC Finished--
37Urshifu Obtained--
38Mustard (Finale)--
39{IoA DLC Finished}--
Crown Tundra Any% Done--
40Calyrex 1--
41Carrot Planted--
42Calyrex 2--
47G Articuno--
48G Moltres--
49G Zapdos--
50{Crown Tundra Any% Done}--
All Obtainable Pt. 1--
51100 Pokemon--
52200 Pokemon--
53{All Obtainable Pt. 1}--
Route 6 through Route 7--
54Route 2 + 3--
55Galar Mine, Route 4 + 5--
56Galar Mine 2, Motostoke Outskirts--
57Route 6 through Route 7--
58{All Trainers Pt. 1}--
All Obtainable Pt. 2--
59300 Pokemon--
60400 Pokemon--
61Breeding Complete--
62450 Pokemon--
63Diglett Hunting--
64Captures Complete (468)--
65Crown Tundra Dex--
66{All Obtainable Pt. 2}--
Hop 10 + Marnie--
67Routes 8-10--
68Static Trainers--
69Honey (1 Mill Watts)--
70Peony Rematch--
72Hop 10 + Marnie--
73{All Trainers 152)--
All TM's and TR's--
74All TM's Bought--
75All TR's Bought/Obtained--
76Double Checked TR and TM List--
77{All TM's and TR's}--
Rotom Rally 42 Races--
78Races 1-21--
79{Rotom Rally 42 Races}--
80All In Game Trades--
81All Side Quests--
82{Check EVERYTHING}--
Curry Dex Complete--
83Bought all Curry Ingredients--
84Curry Recipes 1-50--
85Curry Recipes 51-100--
86Curry Recipes 101-145--
87{Curry Dex Complete}--
Flex on Mum AKA All Clothes--
88Extra Dens for Money/Buy Luxury Balls--
89Wedgehurts, Motostoke + Uniforms--
90Hammerlocke, Wyndon, + Circhester--
91{Flex on Mum AKA All Clothes}--
Tower + Sparring--
92Steroids Time--
93Double Battles Max Rank--
94Single Battles Max Rank--
95Restricted Sparring Types 1-6--
96Restricted Sparring Types 7-12--
97Restricted Sparring Types 13-18--
98{Tower + Sparring}--
99Showcase Everything--