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Pirate101 Any%

by ItzGray
Personal Best




Sum of best


Possible timesave




3 years

Time since upload
A Pirate's Life for You + -Troggy Trouble + -Troggy Artillery + -Live and Let Livsey + -Into the Skull Cave + -A Good Ship? + -Bad Company + -That Dirty Rat! + -The Pirate that Time Forgot + -Lizard City + -The City that Time Forgot + -Out of Time's Abyss + -Ring, My Belle + -Sharks in the Water + -Troubles Down Below + -To Track a Traitor! + -Gordon's Fishermen + -Shrimp on the Barbie + -Off the Hook! + -To Jonah Town + -The Most Dangerous Catch + -A Fishy Business + -Belly Aches + -Quid Pro Quo + -One-Eyed Jacks Are Wild + -Treasure Hunt + -Gunn's Gold + -A Diplomatic Mission + -Monkey Suit + -Complications + -Tales of the Gold Monkey + -What Lurks Beneath + -Troggy Troubles + -Rumble in the Jungle + -Welcome to the Jungle + {Skull Island}The Heart of Darkness + -Hear No Evil, See No Evil + -Three Queens + -Plan B + -Be Careful What You Wish For + -The Shadow of the Paw + -Going Ape + -Thorns of Doom + {Monquista}The Monkey's Paw + -Return to Zenda + -Rat Trap + -Them Rats of Nim + -Oh, That Map... + -Hook, Line, and Sinker + -The Road Ahead + -To Avernus, and Beyond! + -In the Belly of the Beast + -In the Shadows + -Paper Chase + {Valencia 1}The Tomb of Marco Pollo + -Go West, Young Pirate! + -Welcome to Cool Ranch! + -A Merriweather Chase + -Dances with Bison + -Setting Things Right + -To the Rescue! + -Scorpion Marks the Spot + -Blood Trail + -Onward to Santo Pollo + -Who is that Masked Bull? + -Troubled Times + -The Mark of Toro + -Banditoad Baggage + -There Goes the Bride + -Tax Relief + -Toro Unleashed! + -A New Clue + -Hi-Yo Silver, Ahoy! + -Mighty Medicine + -Voice of the Thunder + -Troubled Spirits + -Stray Feathers + -Coils of the Serpent + -Bitter Venom + -Hungry Like the Wolf + -Wolf's Grievance + -Black Storm Rising + -The Enemy Revealed + -Miner Difficulties + -Showdown at Boot Hill + -True Love Triumphs? + -Desperately Seeking Sally + -One Good Favor... + -...Leads to Another + -Brass Monkey + -Monster Squad! + -The Hours Creep on Apace + -Seldom What They Seem + -Upon Our Prey We Steal + -With Catlike Tread + -Rock the Catspaw + -Saving Mustang Sally + -Love's Labors Won + -Trouble in Tumbleweed + -Pugilistic Integrity + -Two Down... + -Last, But Not Least + -The Gang's All Here + -Range War! + -Payback + -That Rat Sabatini + -Blasted Desperadoes! + -Flown the Coop + -The Fugitive + -Bull on the Run + -The Ringleader + -Secret Hideaway + -The Shadow of Death + -Blood's Own Hand + -Last Call + {Cool Ranch}Captain Blood's Treasure + -Zhu Ro, My Hero + -Forever Yung + -The Gold and Egg + -Steal from the Rich + -Wild Rice + -Everyone Loves a Party + -Shogun Wedding + -That Was Yesterday + -Wan Mo Time + -Turnabout + -Journey to Subata + -Serenity Now + -Monkey Business + -A Glimpse of Hattori + -A Dragon and His Gold... + -Go Go Stormzilla! + -Inevitable Betrayal + -Journey Into Shadow + -North Winds Blow + -Gimme Shelter + -The Fog of War + -This Little Pigsy + -Not Even For You + -The Little Prince + -Crimson Tide + -Oops! + -Wild Horses + -Hamakala Chameleon + {MooShu}The Great and Powerful Turtle + -That Darn Cat! + -Nave-Al Maneuvers + -Fort Score + -Yak in Business + -A Frog in the Foxhouse + -Cats in Glass Houses + -'Tis to Glory we Steer + -The Guns of Marleybone + -Fearful Symmetry + -Get Thee to a Cannery + -Highly Irregular + -The Game's LaFitte + -The Thin Orange Line + -Marleybone Steel + -Gears in the Golem + -Golem Gee! + -Anarchy in the MB! + -Victory or Death! + {Marleybone}The Verdict + -Aquila, My Friend! + -Wings in the Waiting + -Diviner Intervention + -The Lapsed Action Hero + -Hey, Juice Guys! + -Vulture Club + -Dramatic Pause + -Lyre, Lyre! + -Hello, Walls + -Time of Your Life + -If Eye Had a Hammer + -Vulture Clash + -Citizen Pain + -Hawkules, Hawkules! + -Mazing Stories + -The Chains that Bind + -Here We Go Again... + -Laestrygon with the Wind + -'Til Siren Voices Wake Us + -A Passage to Ithaca + -DON'T STAND INSIDE MEDEA + -OR YOU GET HARDLOCKED + -SKIP THESE THREE SPLITS + -Bring Me My Bow! + -Ulysses Triumphant! + {Aquila}A Call for Help + -Return to Valencia! + -The Gorilla Gambit + -Diplomatic Entanglements + -The Plot Thickens + -Subterranean Subterfuge + -Desperately Seeking Desdemona + -The Accused + -Entrancing the Stone + -Don Giovanni + -Keyduggery + -Tick Tock Tick Tock + {Valencia 2}The Final Countdown
In progress
The Final Countdown
In progress
Tick Tock Tick Tock
In progress
In progress
Don Giovanni
In progress
Entrancing the Stone
In progress
The Accused
In progress
Desperately Seeking Desdemona
In progress
Subterranean Subterfuge
In progress
The Plot Thickens
In progress
Diplomatic Entanglements
In progress
The Gorilla Gambit
In progress
Return to Valencia!
In progress
A Call for Help
In progress
Ulysses Triumphant!
In progress
Bring Me My Bow!
In progress
In progress
In progress
In progress
A Passage to Ithaca
In progress
'Til Siren Voices Wake Us
In progress
Laestrygon with the Wind
In progress
Here We Go Again...
In progress
The Chains that Bind
In progress
Mazing Stories
In progress
Hawkules, Hawkules!
In progress
Citizen Pain
In progress
Vulture Clash
In progress
If Eye Had a Hammer
In progress
Time of Your Life
In progress
Hello, Walls
In progress
Lyre, Lyre!
In progress
Dramatic Pause
In progress
Vulture Club
In progress
Hey, Juice Guys!
In progress
The Lapsed Action Hero
In progress
Diviner Intervention
In progress
Wings in the Waiting
In progress
Aquila, My Friend!
In progress
The Verdict
In progress
Victory or Death!
In progress
Anarchy in the MB!
In progress
Golem Gee!
In progress
Gears in the Golem
In progress
Marleybone Steel
In progress
The Thin Orange Line
In progress
The Game's LaFitte
In progress
Highly Irregular
In progress
Get Thee to a Cannery
In progress
Fearful Symmetry
In progress
The Guns of Marleybone
In progress
'Tis to Glory we Steer
In progress
Cats in Glass Houses
In progress
A Frog in the Foxhouse
In progress
Yak in Business
In progress
Fort Score
In progress
Nave-Al Maneuvers
In progress
That Darn Cat!
In progress
The Great and Powerful Turtle
In progress
Hamakala Chameleon
In progress
Wild Horses
In progress
In progress
Crimson Tide
In progress
The Little Prince
In progress
Not Even For You
In progress
This Little Pigsy
In progress
The Fog of War
In progress
Gimme Shelter
In progress
North Winds Blow
In progress
Journey Into Shadow
In progress
Inevitable Betrayal
In progress
Go Go Stormzilla!
In progress
A Dragon and His Gold...
In progress
A Glimpse of Hattori
In progress
Monkey Business
In progress
Serenity Now
In progress
Journey to Subata
In progress
In progress
Wan Mo Time
In progress
That Was Yesterday
In progress
Shogun Wedding
In progress
Everyone Loves a Party
In progress
Wild Rice
In progress
Steal from the Rich
In progress
The Gold and Egg
In progress
Forever Yung
In progress
Zhu Ro, My Hero
In progress
Captain Blood's Treasure
In progress
Last Call
In progress
Blood's Own Hand
In progress
The Shadow of Death
In progress
Secret Hideaway
In progress
The Ringleader
In progress
Bull on the Run
In progress
The Fugitive
In progress
Flown the Coop
In progress
Blasted Desperadoes!
In progress
That Rat Sabatini
In progress
In progress
Range War!
In progress
The Gang's All Here
In progress
Last, But Not Least
In progress
Two Down...
In progress
Pugilistic Integrity
In progress
Trouble in Tumbleweed
In progress
Love's Labors Won
In progress
Saving Mustang Sally
In progress
Rock the Catspaw
In progress
With Catlike Tread
In progress
Upon Our Prey We Steal
In progress
Seldom What They Seem
In progress
The Hours Creep on Apace
In progress
Monster Squad!
In progress
Brass Monkey
In progress
...Leads to Another
In progress
One Good Favor...
In progress
Desperately Seeking Sally
In progress
True Love Triumphs?
In progress
Showdown at Boot Hill
In progress
Miner Difficulties
In progress
The Enemy Revealed
In progress
Black Storm Rising
In progress
Wolf's Grievance
In progress
Hungry Like the Wolf
In progress
Bitter Venom
In progress
Coils of the Serpent
In progress
Stray Feathers
In progress
Troubled Spirits
In progress
Voice of the Thunder
In progress
Mighty Medicine
In progress
Hi-Yo Silver, Ahoy!
In progress
A New Clue
In progress
Toro Unleashed!
In progress
Tax Relief
In progress
There Goes the Bride
In progress
Banditoad Baggage
In progress
The Mark of Toro
In progress
Troubled Times
In progress
Who is that Masked Bull?
In progress
Onward to Santo Pollo
In progress
Blood Trail
In progress
Scorpion Marks the Spot
In progress
To the Rescue!
In progress
Setting Things Right
In progress
Dances with Bison
In progress
A Merriweather Chase
In progress
Welcome to Cool Ranch!
In progress
Go West, Young Pirate!
In progress
The Tomb of Marco Pollo
In progress
Paper Chase
In progress
In the Shadows
In progress
In the Belly of the Beast
In progress
To Avernus, and Beyond!
In progress
The Road Ahead
In progress
Hook, Line, and Sinker
In progress
Oh, That Map...
In progress
Them Rats of Nim
In progress
Rat Trap
In progress
Return to Zenda
In progress
The Monkey's Paw
In progress
Thorns of Doom
In progress
Going Ape
In progress
The Shadow of the Paw
In progress
Be Careful What You Wish For
In progress
Plan B
In progress
Three Queens
In progress
Hear No Evil, See No Evil
In progress
The Heart of Darkness
In progress
Welcome to the Jungle
In progress
Rumble in the Jungle
In progress
Troggy Troubles
In progress
What Lurks Beneath
In progress
Tales of the Gold Monkey
In progress
In progress
Monkey Suit
In progress
A Diplomatic Mission
In progress
Gunn's Gold
In progress
Treasure Hunt
In progress
One-Eyed Jacks Are Wild
In progress
Quid Pro Quo
In progress
Belly Aches
In progress
A Fishy Business
In progress
The Most Dangerous Catch
In progress
To Jonah Town
In progress
Off the Hook!
In progress
Shrimp on the Barbie
In progress
Gordon's Fishermen
In progress
To Track a Traitor!
In progress
Troubles Down Below
In progress
Sharks in the Water
In progress
Ring, My Belle
In progress
Out of Time's Abyss
In progress
The City that Time Forgot
In progress
Lizard City
In progress
The Pirate that Time Forgot
In progress
That Dirty Rat!
In progress
Bad Company
In progress
A Good Ship?
In progress
Into the Skull Cave
In progress
Live and Let Livsey
In progress
Troggy Artillery
In progress
Troggy Trouble
In progress
A Pirate's Life for You
In progress
#NameDurationFinished AtStats
Skull Island--
1A Pirate's Life for You--
2Troggy Trouble--
3Troggy Artillery--
4Live and Let Livsey--
5Into the Skull Cave--
6A Good Ship?--
7Bad Company--
8That Dirty Rat!--
9The Pirate that Time Forgot--
10Lizard City--
11The City that Time Forgot--
12Out of Time's Abyss--
13Ring, My Belle--
14Sharks in the Water--
15Troubles Down Below--
16To Track a Traitor!--
17Gordon's Fishermen--
18Shrimp on the Barbie--
19Off the Hook!--
20To Jonah Town--
21The Most Dangerous Catch--
22A Fishy Business--
23Belly Aches--
24Quid Pro Quo--
25One-Eyed Jacks Are Wild--
26Treasure Hunt--
27Gunn's Gold--
28A Diplomatic Mission--
29Monkey Suit--
31Tales of the Gold Monkey--
32What Lurks Beneath--
33Troggy Troubles--
34Rumble in the Jungle--
35Welcome to the Jungle--
36The Heart of Darkness--
37Hear No Evil, See No Evil--
38Three Queens--
39Plan B--
40Be Careful What You Wish For--
41The Shadow of the Paw--
42Going Ape--
43Thorns of Doom--
44The Monkey's Paw--
Valencia 1--
45Return to Zenda--
46Rat Trap--
47Them Rats of Nim--
48Oh, That Map...--
49Hook, Line, and Sinker--
50The Road Ahead--
51To Avernus, and Beyond!--
52In the Belly of the Beast--
53In the Shadows--
54Paper Chase--
55The Tomb of Marco Pollo--
Cool Ranch--
56Go West, Young Pirate!--
57Welcome to Cool Ranch!--
58A Merriweather Chase--
59Dances with Bison--
60Setting Things Right--
61To the Rescue!--
62Scorpion Marks the Spot--
63Blood Trail--
64Onward to Santo Pollo--
65Who is that Masked Bull?--
66Troubled Times--
67The Mark of Toro--
68Banditoad Baggage--
69There Goes the Bride--
70Tax Relief--
71Toro Unleashed!--
72A New Clue--
73Hi-Yo Silver, Ahoy!--
74Mighty Medicine--
75Voice of the Thunder--
76Troubled Spirits--
77Stray Feathers--
78Coils of the Serpent--
79Bitter Venom--
80Hungry Like the Wolf--
81Wolf's Grievance--
82Black Storm Rising--
83The Enemy Revealed--
84Miner Difficulties--
85Showdown at Boot Hill--
86True Love Triumphs?--
87Desperately Seeking Sally--
88One Good Favor...--
89...Leads to Another--
90Brass Monkey--
91Monster Squad!--
92The Hours Creep on Apace--
93Seldom What They Seem--
94Upon Our Prey We Steal--
95With Catlike Tread--
96Rock the Catspaw--
97Saving Mustang Sally--
98Love's Labors Won--
99Trouble in Tumbleweed--
100Pugilistic Integrity--
101Two Down...--
102Last, But Not Least--
103The Gang's All Here--
104Range War!--
106That Rat Sabatini--
107Blasted Desperadoes!--
108Flown the Coop--
109The Fugitive--
110Bull on the Run--
111The Ringleader--
112Secret Hideaway--
113The Shadow of Death--
114Blood's Own Hand--
115Last Call--
116Captain Blood's Treasure--
117Zhu Ro, My Hero--
118Forever Yung--
119The Gold and Egg--
120Steal from the Rich--
121Wild Rice--
122Everyone Loves a Party--
123Shogun Wedding--
124That Was Yesterday--
125Wan Mo Time--
127Journey to Subata--
128Serenity Now--
129Monkey Business--
130A Glimpse of Hattori--
131A Dragon and His Gold...--
132Go Go Stormzilla!--
133Inevitable Betrayal--
134Journey Into Shadow--
135North Winds Blow--
136Gimme Shelter--
137The Fog of War--
138This Little Pigsy--
139Not Even For You--
140The Little Prince--
141Crimson Tide--
143Wild Horses--
144Hamakala Chameleon--
145The Great and Powerful Turtle--
146That Darn Cat!--
147Nave-Al Maneuvers--
148Fort Score--
149Yak in Business--
150A Frog in the Foxhouse--
151Cats in Glass Houses--
152'Tis to Glory we Steer--
153The Guns of Marleybone--
154Fearful Symmetry--
155Get Thee to a Cannery--
156Highly Irregular--
157The Game's LaFitte--
158The Thin Orange Line--
159Marleybone Steel--
160Gears in the Golem--
161Golem Gee!--
162Anarchy in the MB!--
163Victory or Death!--
164The Verdict--
165Aquila, My Friend!--
166Wings in the Waiting--
167Diviner Intervention--
168The Lapsed Action Hero--
169Hey, Juice Guys!--
170Vulture Club--
171Dramatic Pause--
172Lyre, Lyre!--
173Hello, Walls--
174Time of Your Life--
175If Eye Had a Hammer--
176Vulture Clash--
177Citizen Pain--
178Hawkules, Hawkules!--
179Mazing Stories--
180The Chains that Bind--
181Here We Go Again...--
182Laestrygon with the Wind--
183'Til Siren Voices Wake Us--
184A Passage to Ithaca--
188Bring Me My Bow!--
189Ulysses Triumphant!--
190A Call for Help--
Valencia 2--
191Return to Valencia!--
192The Gorilla Gambit--
193Diplomatic Entanglements--
194The Plot Thickens--
195Subterranean Subterfuge--
196Desperately Seeking Desdemona--
197The Accused--
198Entrancing the Stone--
199Don Giovanni--
201Tick Tock Tick Tock--
202The Final Countdown--