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LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-7 Fast Any%

by ???




Sum of best


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over 3 years

Time since upload
5-1: Dark Times + Muggle Token + DADA Banned + Glacius + Weasley Boxes + Thestrals + Aquamenti + Warp to 7 + 7-1: The Seven Harrys + Application + 6-1: Out of Retirement + Spectrespecs + 5-2: Dumbledore’s Army + Dueling + 5-3: Focus! + Draught of Death + Dumbledore’s Memories + Hogsmeade Clip + 6-2: Just Desserts + 6-3: A Not So Merry Christmas + Reducto + Diffindo + Walk to 8 + 8-1: The Thief’s Downfall + Albert Token + 8-2: Back to School + 8-3: Burning Bridges + 8-4: Fiendfyre Frenzy + 8-5: Snape’s Tears + Albert + Orphan + 8-5: Snape’s Tears FP + 8-6: The Flaw in the Plan + 5-7 --> 1-4 + 1-1: The Magic Begins + Wingardium Leviosa + 1-2: Out of The Dungeon + Lumos + Strength Potion + Transfiguration + Lumos Solem + Broomstick Flying + 1-3: A Jinxed Broom + 1-4: The Restricted Section + 1-5: The Forbidden Forest + 1-6: Face of the Enemy + 2-1: Floo Powder + Mandrake Handling + Immobilus + 2-2: Dobby's Plan + Expelliarmus + Parseltongue + WiiSuper + Polyjuice Potion + 2-3: Crabbe & Goyle + 2-4: Tom Riddle's Diary + 2-5: Follow The Spiders + 2-6: The Basilisk + 3-1: News From Azkaban + Riddikulus + Divination + Buckbeak Handling + 3-2: Hogsmeade + 3-3: Mischief Managed + Expecto Patronum + 3-4: The Shrieking Shack + 3-5: The Dementor's Kiss + Time Turner + 3-6: The Dark Tower + 4-1: The Quidditch World Cup + Ageing Potion + 4-2: Dragons + Reducto + 4-3: The First Task + 4-4: Secret of the Egg + 4-5: The Black Lake + 4-6: The Dark Lord Returns
In progress
4-6: The Dark Lord Returns
In progress
4-5: The Black Lake
In progress
4-4: Secret of the Egg
In progress
4-3: The First Task
In progress
In progress
4-2: Dragons
In progress
Ageing Potion
In progress
4-1: The Quidditch World Cup
In progress
3-6: The Dark Tower
In progress
Time Turner
In progress
3-5: The Dementor's Kiss
In progress
3-4: The Shrieking Shack
In progress
Expecto Patronum
In progress
3-3: Mischief Managed
In progress
3-2: Hogsmeade
In progress
Buckbeak Handling
In progress
In progress
In progress
3-1: News From Azkaban
In progress
2-6: The Basilisk
In progress
2-5: Follow The Spiders
In progress
2-4: Tom Riddle's Diary
In progress
2-3: Crabbe & Goyle
In progress
Polyjuice Potion
In progress
In progress
In progress
In progress
2-2: Dobby's Plan
In progress
In progress
Mandrake Handling
In progress
2-1: Floo Powder
In progress
1-6: Face of the Enemy
In progress
1-5: The Forbidden Forest
In progress
1-4: The Restricted Section
In progress
1-3: A Jinxed Broom
In progress
Broomstick Flying
In progress
Lumos Solem
In progress
In progress
Strength Potion
In progress
In progress
1-2: Out of The Dungeon
In progress
Wingardium Leviosa
In progress
1-1: The Magic Begins
In progress
5-7 --> 1-4
In progress
8-6: The Flaw in the Plan
In progress
8-5: Snape’s Tears FP
In progress
Albert + Orphan
In progress
8-5: Snape’s Tears
In progress
8-4: Fiendfyre Frenzy
In progress
8-3: Burning Bridges
In progress
8-2: Back to School
In progress
Albert Token
In progress
8-1: The Thief’s Downfall
In progress
Walk to 8
In progress
In progress
In progress
6-3: A Not So Merry Christmas
In progress
6-2: Just Desserts
In progress
Hogsmeade Clip
In progress
Dumbledore’s Memories
In progress
Draught of Death
In progress
5-3: Focus!
In progress
In progress
5-2: Dumbledore’s Army
In progress
In progress
6-1: Out of Retirement
In progress
In progress
7-1: The Seven Harrys
In progress
Warp to 7
In progress
In progress
In progress
Weasley Boxes
In progress
In progress
DADA Banned
In progress
Muggle Token
In progress
5-1: Dark Times
In progress
#NameDurationFinished AtStats
15-1: Dark Times--
2Muggle Token--
3DADA Banned--
5Weasley Boxes--
8Warp to 7--
97-1: The Seven Harrys--
116-1: Out of Retirement--
135-2: Dumbledore’s Army--
155-3: Focus!--
16Draught of Death--
17Dumbledore’s Memories--
18Hogsmeade Clip--
196-2: Just Desserts--
206-3: A Not So Merry Christmas--
23Walk to 8--
248-1: The Thief’s Downfall--
25Albert Token--
268-2: Back to School--
278-3: Burning Bridges--
288-4: Fiendfyre Frenzy--
298-5: Snape’s Tears--
30Albert + Orphan--
318-5: Snape’s Tears FP--
328-6: The Flaw in the Plan--
335-7 --> 1-4--
341-1: The Magic Begins--
35Wingardium Leviosa--
361-2: Out of The Dungeon--
38Strength Potion--
40Lumos Solem--
41Broomstick Flying--
421-3: A Jinxed Broom--
431-4: The Restricted Section--
441-5: The Forbidden Forest--
451-6: Face of the Enemy--
462-1: Floo Powder--
47Mandrake Handling--
492-2: Dobby's Plan--
53Polyjuice Potion--
542-3: Crabbe & Goyle--
552-4: Tom Riddle's Diary--
562-5: Follow The Spiders--
572-6: The Basilisk--
583-1: News From Azkaban--
61Buckbeak Handling--
623-2: Hogsmeade--
633-3: Mischief Managed--
64Expecto Patronum--
653-4: The Shrieking Shack--
663-5: The Dementor's Kiss--
67Time Turner--
683-6: The Dark Tower--
694-1: The Quidditch World Cup--
70Ageing Potion--
714-2: Dragons--
734-3: The First Task--
744-4: Secret of the Egg--
754-5: The Black Lake--
764-6: The Dark Lord Returns--