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Pokémon Stadium Teach Pikachu Surf Glitchless

by GZfuse Previous times-




Sum of best


Possible timesave





Life playtime

almost 3 years

Time since upload
Nidoran + 8 Badges + e4 + Champion + Mewtwo is a Keeper + Vitamin Metagame + Other Prep + More Grinding + Lvl 100 + Prime Cup Rd 2 start + Battle 1 + Battle 2 + Battle 3 + Battle 4 + Battle 5 + Battle 6 + Battle 7 + Battle 8 + Surf n Turf
In progress
Surf n Turf
In progress
Battle 8
In progress
Battle 7
In progress
Battle 6
In progress
Battle 5
In progress
Battle 4
In progress
Battle 3
In progress
Battle 2
In progress
Battle 1
In progress
Prime Cup Rd 2 start
In progress
Lvl 100
In progress
More Grinding
In progress
Other Prep
In progress
Vitamin Metagame
In progress
Mewtwo is a Keeper
In progress
In progress
In progress
8 Badges
In progress
Nidoran + 8 Badges + e4 + Champion + Mewtwo is a Keeper + Vitamin Metagame + Other Prep + More Grinding + Lvl 100 + Prime Cup Rd 2 start + Battle 1 + Battle 2 + Battle 3 + Battle 4 + Battle 5 + Battle 6 + Battle 7 + Battle 8 + Surf n Turf
In progress
#NameDurationFinished AtStats
28 Badges--
5Mewtwo is a Keeper--
6Vitamin Metagame--
7Other Prep--
8More Grinding--
9Lvl 100--
10Prime Cup Rd 2 start--
11Battle 1--
12Battle 2--
13Battle 3--
14Battle 4--
15Battle 5--
16Battle 6--
17Battle 7--
18Battle 8--
19Surf n Turf--