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Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones Any% (No Major Glitches)

by Smathlax
Personal Best




Sum of best


Possible timesave




almost 3 years

Time since upload
The Ramparts + The Harbor District + The Palace + The Trapped Hallway + The Sewers + The Fortress + The Lower City + The Lower City Rooftops + The Balconies + The Dark Alley + The Temple Rooftops + The Temple + The Marketplace + The Market District + The Brothel + The Plaza + The Upper City + The City Gardens + The Promenade + The Royal Workshop + The King’s Road + The Palace Entrance + The Hanging Gardens + The Structure’s Mind + The Well of Ancestors + The Labyrinth + The Underground Cave + The Lower Tower + The Middle Tower + The Upper Tower + The Terrace + The Mental Realm
In progress
The Mental Realm
In progress
The Terrace
In progress
The Upper Tower
In progress
The Middle Tower
In progress
The Lower Tower
In progress
The Underground Cave
In progress
The Labyrinth
In progress
The Well of Ancestors
In progress
The Structure’s Mind
In progress
The Hanging Gardens
In progress
The Palace Entrance
In progress
The King’s Road
In progress
The Royal Workshop
In progress
The Promenade
In progress
The City Gardens
In progress
The Upper City
In progress
The Plaza
In progress
The Brothel
In progress
The Market District
In progress
The Marketplace
In progress
The Temple
In progress
The Temple Rooftops
In progress
The Dark Alley
In progress
The Balconies
In progress
The Lower City Rooftops
In progress
The Lower City
In progress
The Fortress
In progress
The Sewers
In progress
The Trapped Hallway
In progress
The Palace
In progress
The Harbor District
In progress
The Ramparts + The Harbor District + The Palace + The Trapped Hallway + The Sewers + The Fortress + The Lower City + The Lower City Rooftops + The Balconies + The Dark Alley + The Temple Rooftops + The Temple + The Marketplace + The Market District + The Brothel + The Plaza + The Upper City + The City Gardens + The Promenade + The Royal Workshop + The King’s Road + The Palace Entrance + The Hanging Gardens + The Structure’s Mind + The Well of Ancestors + The Labyrinth + The Underground Cave + The Lower Tower + The Middle Tower + The Upper Tower + The Terrace + The Mental Realm
In progress
#NameDurationFinished AtStats
1The Ramparts--
2The Harbor District--
3The Palace--
4The Trapped Hallway--
5The Sewers--
6The Fortress--
7The Lower City--
8The Lower City Rooftops--
9The Balconies--
10The Dark Alley--
11The Temple Rooftops--
12The Temple--
13The Marketplace--
14The Market District--
15The Brothel--
16The Plaza--
17The Upper City--
18The City Gardens--
19The Promenade--
20The Royal Workshop--
21The King’s Road--
22The Palace Entrance--
23The Hanging Gardens--
24The Structure’s Mind--
25The Well of Ancestors--
26The Labyrinth--
27The Underground Cave--
28The Lower Tower--
29The Middle Tower--
30The Upper Tower--
31The Terrace--
32The Mental Realm--