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LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Sequels

by crossbowftw3
Personal Best




Sum of best


Possible timesave




2 years

Time since upload
Attack on Tuanul + -7-1 First Order of Business + -Scrap for Scraps + -Outpost Antics + -7-2 Low Flying Garbage + -Rendezvous with the Resistance + -7-3 Reap What You Solo + -Friends of the Resistance + -7-4 Starkiller Queen + -A Bag Full of Explosives + -7-5 Destroying Starkiller + {Episode VII} Piece of the Resistance + -An Urgent Communique + -8-1 Dameron's Defiance + -Finn... Leaking... Bag? + -The Master Codebreaker + -8-2 Master Codebreak-Out + -Convincing Luke + -Jedi Training + -8-3 No Snoke Without Fire + -Enemy Territory + -8-4 Chrome Dome Down + -Crait Danger + {Episode VIII} 8-5 Ground A-Salt + -9-1 A Skip and a Jump + -Running the Training Course + -Festival of the Ancestors + -9-2 They Fly Now! + -Beneath the Shifting Mires + -Forbidden Programming + -9-3 C3P-Oh No! + -Wookiee Rescue + -Delta 3-6, Transient 9-3-6, Bearing 3-2 + -Relics of the Empire + -9-4 The Strength To Do It + -Reporting In + -Parting Gifts + -To The Battle of Exegol + {Episode IX} 9-5 Be With Me
In progress
9-5 Be With Me
In progress
To The Battle of Exegol
In progress
Parting Gifts
In progress
Reporting In
In progress
9-4 The Strength To Do It
In progress
Relics of the Empire
In progress
Delta 3-6, Transient 9-3-6, Bearing 3-2
In progress
Wookiee Rescue
In progress
9-3 C3P-Oh No!
In progress
Forbidden Programming
In progress
Beneath the Shifting Mires
In progress
9-2 They Fly Now!
In progress
Festival of the Ancestors
In progress
Running the Training Course
In progress
9-1 A Skip and a Jump
In progress
8-5 Ground A-Salt
In progress
Crait Danger
In progress
8-4 Chrome Dome Down
In progress
Enemy Territory
In progress
8-3 No Snoke Without Fire
In progress
Jedi Training
In progress
Convincing Luke
In progress
8-2 Master Codebreak-Out
In progress
The Master Codebreaker
In progress
Finn... Leaking... Bag?
In progress
8-1 Dameron's Defiance
In progress
An Urgent Communique
In progress
Piece of the Resistance
In progress
7-5 Destroying Starkiller
In progress
A Bag Full of Explosives
In progress
7-4 Starkiller Queen
In progress
Friends of the Resistance
In progress
7-3 Reap What You Solo
In progress
Rendezvous with the Resistance
In progress
7-2 Low Flying Garbage
In progress
Outpost Antics
In progress
Scrap for Scraps
In progress
7-1 First Order of Business
In progress
Attack on Tuanul + -7-1 First Order of Business + -Scrap for Scraps + -Outpost Antics + -7-2 Low Flying Garbage + -Rendezvous with the Resistance + -7-3 Reap What You Solo + -Friends of the Resistance + -7-4 Starkiller Queen + -A Bag Full of Explosives + -7-5 Destroying Starkiller + {Episode VII} Piece of the Resistance + -An Urgent Communique + -8-1 Dameron's Defiance + -Finn... Leaking... Bag? + -The Master Codebreaker + -8-2 Master Codebreak-Out + -Convincing Luke + -Jedi Training + -8-3 No Snoke Without Fire + -Enemy Territory + -8-4 Chrome Dome Down + -Crait Danger + {Episode VIII} 8-5 Ground A-Salt + -9-1 A Skip and a Jump + -Running the Training Course + -Festival of the Ancestors + -9-2 They Fly Now! + -Beneath the Shifting Mires + -Forbidden Programming + -9-3 C3P-Oh No! + -Wookiee Rescue + -Delta 3-6, Transient 9-3-6, Bearing 3-2 + -Relics of the Empire + -9-4 The Strength To Do It + -Reporting In + -Parting Gifts + -To The Battle of Exegol + {Episode IX} 9-5 Be With Me
In progress
#IconNameDurationFinished AtStats
Episode VII--
1Attack on Tuanul--
27-1 First Order of Business--
3Scrap for Scraps--
4Outpost Antics--
57-2 Low Flying Garbage--
6Rendezvous with the Resistance--
77-3 Reap What You Solo--
8Friends of the Resistance--
97-4 Starkiller Queen--
10A Bag Full of Explosives--
117-5 Destroying Starkiller--
12Piece of the Resistance--
Episode VIII--
13An Urgent Communique--
148-1 Dameron's Defiance--
15Finn... Leaking... Bag?--
16The Master Codebreaker--
178-2 Master Codebreak-Out--
18Convincing Luke--
19Jedi Training--
208-3 No Snoke Without Fire--
21Enemy Territory--
228-4 Chrome Dome Down--
23Crait Danger--
248-5 Ground A-Salt--
Episode IX--
259-1 A Skip and a Jump--
26Running the Training Course--
27Festival of the Ancestors--
289-2 They Fly Now!--
29Beneath the Shifting Mires--
30Forbidden Programming--
319-3 C3P-Oh No!--
32Wookiee Rescue--
33Delta 3-6, Transient 9-3-6, Bearing 3-2--
34Relics of the Empire--
359-4 The Strength To Do It--
36Reporting In--
37Parting Gifts--
38To The Battle of Exegol--
399-5 Be With Me--