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Help us out by taking the Splits.io survey! Help us out by taking the Splits.io survey! Pokémon Red/Blue Category Extensions Beat Brock
over 1 year
Time since upload
00:02:57.55 duration
00:02:57.55 finished
New best!
Viridian Forest Done
00:07:45.33 duration
00:10:42.89 finished
New best!
00:01:19.93 duration
00:12:02.82 finished
1ms possible timesave
# | Icon | Name | Duration | Finished At | Stats |
1 | | Rival | 00:02:57.55 | 00:02:57.55 | |
2 | | Viridian Forest Done | 00:07:45.33 | 00:10:42.89 | |
3 | | Brock | 00:01:19.93 | 00:12:02.82 | |