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Help us out by taking the Splits.io survey! Help us out by taking the Splits.io survey! The Messenger Picnic Panic DLC
2m 42sSum of best
6m 34s
5m 22sPossible timesave
over 1 year
Time since upload
Ninja Village
00:01:03 duration
00:01:03 finished
New best!
Ruxx’s Ride
00:05:41 duration
00:06:44 finished
45s possible timesave
The Beach
00:07:30 duration
00:14:15 finished
New best!
Golem Totem
00:03:30 duration
00:17:46 finished
1ms possible timesave
Up The Volcano
00:08:11 duration
00:25:57 finished
18s possible timesave
Dark Messenger Race
00:03:05 duration
00:29:03 finished
8s possible timesave
Golem Punch out-End
00:03:15 duration
00:32:18 finished
2ms possible timesave
Ninja Village
00:01:04 duration
00:01:04 finished
851ms possible timesave
Ruxx’s Ride
00:04:57 duration
00:06:02 finished
1s possible timesave
The Beach
00:09:14 duration
00:15:16 finished
New best!
Golem Totem
00:07:19 duration
00:22:36 finished
3m possible timesave
Up The Volcano
00:07:52 duration
00:30:29 finished
New best!
Dark Messenger Race
00:06:11 duration
00:36:40 finished
3m possible timesave
Golem Punch out-End
00:03:43 duration
00:40:23 finished
1ms possible timesave