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Help us out by taking the Splits.io survey! Help us out by taking the Splits.io survey! The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Any% No Major Glitches
9 months
Time since upload
Castle Sewerway
00:06:46 duration
00:06:46 finished
New best!
Eastern Palace
00:06:22 duration
00:13:08 finished
New best!
Desert Palace
00:08:59 duration
00:22:08 finished
2ms possible timesave
Tower of Hera
00:09:40 duration
00:31:49 finished
New best!
# | Icon | Name | Duration | Finished At | Stats |
1 | | Castle Sewerway | 00:06:46 | 00:06:46 | |
2 | | Eastern Palace | 00:06:22 | 00:13:08 | |
3 | | Desert Palace | 00:08:59 | 00:22:08 | |
4 | | Tower of Hera | 00:09:40 | 00:31:49 | |