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LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (PC/Console) Prequels

by lukekywalker8 Previous times01:21:3501:23:49-01:24:5901:24:5901:27:1201:27:1201:27:1201:28:07-




Sum of best


Possible timesave





Life playtime

4 months

Time since upload
1.1: Negotiations + 1.2: Invasion of Naboo + 1.3: Escape from Naboo + 1.4: Mos Espa Pograce + 1.5: Retake Theed Palace + 2.1: Bounty Hunter Pursuit + 2.2: Discovery on Kamino + 2.3: Droid Factory + 2.4: Jedi Battle + 2.5: Gunship Cavalry + 2.6: Count Dooku + 3.1: Battle over Coruscant + 3.2: Chancellor in Peril + 3.3: General Grievous + 3.4: Defense of Kashyyyk + 3.5: Ruin of the Jedi + 3.6: Darth Vader + 1.6: Darth Maul
In progress
1.6: Darth Maul
In progress
3.6: Darth Vader
In progress
3.5: Ruin of the Jedi
In progress
3.4: Defense of Kashyyyk
In progress
3.3: General Grievous
In progress
3.2: Chancellor in Peril
In progress
3.1: Battle over Coruscant
In progress
2.6: Count Dooku
In progress
2.5: Gunship Cavalry
In progress
2.4: Jedi Battle
In progress
2.3: Droid Factory
In progress
2.2: Discovery on Kamino
In progress
2.1: Bounty Hunter Pursuit
In progress
1.5: Retake Theed Palace
In progress
1.4: Mos Espa Pograce
In progress
1.3: Escape from Naboo
In progress
1.2: Invasion of Naboo
In progress
1.1: Negotiations
In progress
#IconNameDurationFinished AtStats
11.1: Negotiations--
21.2: Invasion of Naboo--
31.3: Escape from Naboo--
41.4: Mos Espa Pograce--
51.5: Retake Theed Palace--
62.1: Bounty Hunter Pursuit--
72.2: Discovery on Kamino--
82.3: Droid Factory--
92.4: Jedi Battle--
102.5: Gunship Cavalry--
112.6: Count Dooku--
123.1: Battle over Coruscant--
133.2: Chancellor in Peril--
143.3: General Grievous--
153.4: Defense of Kashyyyk--
163.5: Ruin of the Jedi--
173.6: Darth Vader--
181.6: Darth Maul--